Tarun Krishna


I am a 4th year PhD student at Insight SFI Centre of Data Analytics at Dublin City University (DCU), Ireland. I am supervised by Dr. Kevin McGuinness and Prof. Noel O’Connor. My research interests lies in computer vision and machine learning specifically self-supervised learning and conditional computation.

Prior to starting PhD, I finished Masters in Artifical Intelligence from University of Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands. I was supervised by Mert Kilickaya during my master thesis at QUvA Lab.

NOTE : Commencing in early 2024, I will be actively exploring job opportunities, with a keen interest in industrial Postdoc positions or roles as an applied researcher/scientist in the industry.


09/07/2024 1 paper accepted in ECCV 2024.
11/06/2024 1 paper accepted at CVPR (2024) workshop for Visual Anomaly and Novelty Detection (VAND 2.0).
25/08/2023 Will be attending Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School, 2023 at Thessaloniki Greece.
22/08/2023 1 paper accepted in BMVC 2023.

Selected Publications

(*) Equal contribution.
  1. CVPRw
    Video Anomaly Detection via Spatio-Temporal Pseudo-Anomaly Generation : A Unified Approach
    Ayush K. Rai, Tarun Krishna, Feiyan Hu, Alexandru Drimbarean, Kevin Mcguinness, Alan F. Smeaton, and Noel E. O’connor
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops Jun 2024
  2. BMVC
    Unifying Synergies between Self-supervised Learning and Dynamic Computation
    Tarun Krishna, Ayush K. Rai, Alexandru F Drimbarean, Eric Arazo, Paul Albert, Alan Smeaton, Kevin McGuinness, and Noel O Connor
    In 34th British Machine Vision Conference 2023, BMVC 2023, Aberdeen, UK, November 20-24, 2023 Jun 2023
  3. IMVIP
    Dynamic Channel Selection in Self-Supervised Learning
    Tarun Krishna, Ayush K Rai, Yasser AD Djilali, Alan F Smeaton, Kevin McGuinness, and Noel E O’Connor
    In 24th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Jun 2022
  4. ICCV
    Rethinking 360deg Image Visual Attention Modelling With Unsupervised Learning.
    Yasser Abdelaziz Dahou Djilali*, Tarun Krishna*, Kevin McGuinness, and Noel E. O’Connor
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Oct 2021
  5. ICMR
    Evaluating contrastive models for instance-based image retrieval
    Tarun Krishna, Kevin McGuinness, and Noel O’Connor
    In Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval Oct 2021